Scientific Working Groups

SEATRAC supports the establishment of Scientific Working Groups to address the evolving needs of our research community, including those that may not be directly addressed by our existing operational cores.

This is unpublished

We invite members of the Seattle TB research community to send us proposals for working groups.

Proposals should be brief, one paragraph in length, and provide details on the three requirements highlighted below. There is no deadline and proposals will be received on a rolling basis throughout the year.  

A Scientific Working Group is defined as a specific area of scientific focus for a group of investigators who share common research interests and goals and participate in competitively funded research.

Scientific Working Groups encourage interdisciplinary collaboration among investigators who have not previously collaborated with each other, or within that area of scientific focus. 

The Scientific Working Group is charged with encouraging new collaborations, identifying high risk/high impact studies, fostering submission of new proposals for peer-reviewed funding, and addressing knowledge gaps that cannot be addressed by standard funding mechanisms. The success of a Scientific Working Group is measured by expansion of NIH-supported funding for the Group, and the establishment of successful collaborations within and between Groups. 

We invite members of the Seattle TB research community to send us proposals for Scientific Working Groups. Proposals should be brief – no more than ½ page in length - and provide details on the three requirements outlined below. In addition, a draft budget not to exceed TBD should also be provided.

Interested applicants are welcome to submit these materials to There is no deadline, and proposals will be received rolling throughout the year.   

Need some inspiration?


Proposal requirements

SEATRAC working groups must meet these three requirements: 

  • focus on a TB topic that would complement the activities of existing operational cores (SEATRAC Cores) and facilitate new interactions among TB researchers in Seattle 
  • incorporate membership from at least two SEATRAC Member organizations (SEATRAC About), with a mixture of TB trainees and faculty  
  • include two Co-chairs, ideally from different SEATRAC Member organizations 


Please submit your complete proposal: