The Tuberculosis Research and Training Center (TRTC) at the University of Washington, Seattle was established in 2017 to provide training and educational opportunities, foster clinical and basic science collaborative research opportunities, and create a hub for tuberculosis investigators to come together for greater TB research success.

TRTC was established with support from the University of Washington and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
TRTC was established with support from the University of Washington and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
The TRTC integrates efforts to address important scientific questions about TB, and aims to foster intensive mentoring of trainees, along with promoting strong local and international collaborations.
We have over 50 faculty members with primary and secondary TB research interests and a diverse span of UW Schools (Medicine, Public Health), Departments (Medicine, Microbiology, Global Health, Environmental & Occupational Health), as well as non-UW organizations and institutes (Seattle Children’s Hospital, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center).
TRTC provided the foundation for SEATRAC, which will significantly expand TB-related activities. Over time, and as SEATRAC becomes more established, we expect to phase out TRTC as an independent entity.