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We have access to outstanding TB research facilities and equipment within Seattle and leverage the complementary expertise of SEATRAC investigators at the University of Washington, Seattle Children’s Research Institute, and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

The primary goal of the Basic Science Core is to provide consultation and training necessary to equip investigators with the expertise and tools needed to advance the TB research field. Our focus is on new investigators (at the start of their careers) as well as established investigators who are new to TB research.  


  1. Recruit new Seattle trainees to TB research and develop a diverse cadre of future leaders who will impact the TB epidemic. 
  2. Expand knowledge and skills in TB basic science, clinical, and implementation science research.
  3. Increase TB research in microbiology, immunology, computational biology, clinical epidemiology, and implementation science in Seattle with catalytic development project awards that generate momentum for independently funded grants.   

Led by

Drs. Tanya Parish and Kevin Urdahl at Seattle Childrens Research Institute. 


Tanya Parish, PhD

Learn more about Dr. Parish



Kevin Urdahl, MD, PhD

Learn more about Dr. Udahl