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"Maternal HIV Status & Risk of Infant mTB Infection as Measured by Tuberculin Skin Test"

March 1, 2024
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SEATRAC Development Core co-director, Sylvia Lacourse and collaborators note that the effect of maternal HIV on infant Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) infection risk is not well-characterized.

Pregnant women with/without HIV and their infants were enrolled in a longitudinal cohort in Kenya. Mothers had interferon gamma-release assays (QFT-Plus) and tuberculin skin tests (TST) at enrollment in pregnancy; children underwent TST at 12 and 24 months of age.

They estimated the incidence and correlates of infant TST-positivity using Cox proportional hazards regression.

Find full article: Maternal HIV Status and Risk of Infant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection as Measured by Tuberculin Skin Test - PubMed (

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