Symposium Agenda & Speaker Information

Wednesday, May 8, 8:30am - 3:00pm, PT

This is unpublished


Manuja Sharma

Sabine Ehrt, PhD , Professor / Chair, Weill Cornell School of Medicine 

Applying bacterial genetics to understand, treat and prevent tuberculosis


Manuja Sharma

Manuja Sharma, PhD, Head of Solutions Architecture, WaveWorks

A passive cough classifier for tuberculosis screening with a controlled dataset

Jay Miller

James (“Jay”) Miller, MD MPH, Regional Medical Officer, Washington State Department of Health 

Responding to a large tuberculosis outbreak in the Washington state prison system.

Moon Choi-McInturff

Moon Choi-McInturff, PhD MPH, Epidemiologist, Tuberculosis Program, Washington State Department of Health 

Responding to a large tuberculosis outbreak in the Washington state prison system

Karen Wolf

Karen Wolf, MS, DVM, DACZM, Head Veterinarian, Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium

Diagnosis & Management of tuberculosis in 2 Asian Elephants: A Collaborative Approach to Protecting Employee Safety While Preserving Animal Wellbeing

Sarah Iribarren

Sarah Iribarren, PhD BSN, Associate Professor, Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Healthcare Policy, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Biobehavioral Nursing and Health Informatics 

A digital adherence technology to support individuals with TB: Results from a pragmatic trial and participant experiences

Jerry Cangelosi

Jerry Cangelosi, PhD, Associate Dean for Research, School of Public Health; Professor, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences

Reinventing tuberculosis case detection, from oral sampling to analysis to action