The KTRTP supports TB research and training by bringing together investigators in Kenya and Seattle; and is co-directed by researchers from the University of Washington (Drs. Sylvia LaCourse, David Horne, and Tom Hawn) and Kenya (Dr. Videlis Nduba at KEMRI and Dr. Lisa Obimbo at UoN). The KTRTP provides opportunities for Seattle area and Kenyan trainees and faculty to foster and create collaborative research projects and capacity development to address research gaps and bottlenecks.

The KTRTP leverages a long history of successful UW-Kenya partnerships in biomedical research and fosters new local and international TB opportunities to address one of the leading causes of worldwide mortality.
As part of the KTRTP, a D43 training grant called TB-HIV Training Program (TBHTP) has been successfully funded to increase the capacity of the University of Nairobi (UoN) and KEMRI to conduct HIV-TB co-infection research. The TBHTP will implement a long-term training degree-earning track, a medium-term training non-degree track, and a short-term training track that will offer one-week workshops and online courses. Learn more about the TBHTP here.
For inquiries about the KTRTP or the TBHTP collaborative opportunities, please contact Tom Hawn at thawn@uw.edu
In order to appropriately acknowledge TBHTP in your research endeavors, please use the statement below:
This abstract/publication/presentation/grant proposal was made possible with help from the Tuberculosis & HIV Co-Infection Training Program in Kenya (TBHTP) (NIH D43 TW011817) supported by Fogarty International Center at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH).
This work was supported by NIH Fogarty D43 TW011817.